The Bookkeeper

Mights (mights as in mighty with an s), your bookish bookkeeper

Hey guys! Mitt namn är (that's swedish) “Mighta Zerie”. Cool name huh? *winks* Mighta with a “GH” not Maita, not Mita, not Mig-ta, not Mig-hata, not Mig-tha. You cannot call me Zerie, thank you. Psh to pretty introductions.

I read-(thick, cream-papered, hard bound, paperback, electronic)-books. I don't only read, I also listen-to audiobooks. Young adult, Contemporary and Dystopian. I am (trying my best) to try to blog. I don't do much with my life but read. And of course, study. Nothing interesting. I tweet everyday and everywhere-if I don't tweet a single tweet in a day then perhaps I'm sick, I'm lost or probably dead. Forget the last thing I said.

I study accounting, CPA in the making. Yes! CPA in two years time tops (Don't argue, your opinion is invalid). I also read accounting books (not just books, I still have the need to read textbooks sometimes) even if it wants to make my brains and even my skull explode. We are still learning to be friends, me and accounting.

I can give up food for books. (Could you? Oh, I know, you can't.) I love sweets. Sweets is my true love, I mean what my teeth and stomach loves. Whole Chocolate Cake, Vanilla Ice Cream, Rocky Road Sundae, everything sweet. In that order. Nuh-uh to salty foods and junk foods and junk drinks-slash-acidic drinks. I'll do fine with water, thank you.

And eep. I fangirl. (But not much.) It's kind of a deep contained-fangirling if you know what I mean. I fangirl silently. You know, like scream silently? Internally screaming and screeching but has a calm face on the outside. Yep. I don't fangirl barbaric like the others.

I normally don't like (hate) guys. It doesn't mean I like girls either. It's just that my standards on guys are over the zenith of the exosphere, I pretty much concluded I'll forever be alone. Unless you can tell if you know someone (real flesh and blood and that over the zenith standard don't forget) Pray tell.

I definitely have a Niclas Gillis fetish, Wade Poezyn fetish and an Anthony Neely fetish. Also green eyed, blond-haired guys fetish. My thoughts are constellations I cannot fathom to stars when it comes to my fetishes.

This is not your blog so I can do whatever I want. Judge whatever you want to judge here, I'm just going to go ahead and consider that you don't own this blog.

“I kiss your eyes and leave my heart in your hands.”
~ Rabidfairy (Zuzana, DoSaB)

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  1. You choose book than food?! Amazing, Mights...
    I hope i can do it, too...
    read make me feel free....

  2. YES ! I choose books over food :D True that, reading makes us fell free of everything. :)

  3. Ahahahaha, I'm also studying Bookkeeping and my friends always ask if I keep books. lol

  4. I don't think I could give up food for books! I love sweets too! Thanks for sharing :)

  5. I like it that you're a book lover and a CPA in the making. Same tayo! ;)))

  6. Wooow, kudos to you about venturing into Accounting. I took up Accounting in college and truly despise it haha.

  7. I fangirl that way too! You'll never know I'm screaming and swooning inside lol. I have perfected the poker face of fangirling hahaha

  8. I debated on going int accounting. I am good at it, but it bores me way too much! Love the personality in this page!

  9. You normally don't like guy? What about nerd guy, like me? ._.

  10. I'm not sure if this is where I'm supposed to post.. I love your blog.. Following on blogger but a lot of stuff is in another language.. So I hope you still count my entry ..

  11. Lol!! This is one of the best About pages I've ever read!!! Also cool name :D

  12. awesomesauce name!! I get the feeling that it gets misspelled a lot and lemme tell you we're on the same boat. Anyway, I'm glad to find another book blogger from the same country! :)


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