Title: Emmy and Oliver
Author: Robin Benway
Publisher: Harper Audio
Narrator: Phoebe Strole
Release Date: June 23, 2015
Rating: 5/5 Stars

This is the perfect book for a childhood love
story. Like, that story wherein you fall in love with your childhood neighbor
best friend. Which I bet doesn’t happen it real life but it’s still like,
But this book kinda makes you feel that magic
without making it mainstream or anything like that. Oly is this kid next door
who got kidnapped by his own father. (What kind of parent does that?) But it
happened and he kind of left everything like his mom, his childhood crush, and
his best friends without a trace for 10 years and then boom one day he’s back
and reclaiming the places in everyone’s heart, especially Emmy.
It’s a kind of complicated thing with the parent
who hauled him away because he just wants to be with his son. (Maybe some
parents do that after all) Oly loves him even if everybody judges him to be a
criminal. We just have no right to judge because people have their own reasons
why they do what they do and maybe it’s twisted but still it can be justified.
Emmy is the kid who get’s over protected by her
parents because of what happened to the kid next door and maybe that’s what Em
made her do the things she does secretly like surfing and applying for college
when her life is all planned out. Maybe some of us don’t want our lives handed
to us in a silver platter. Maybe we want to work some things with destiny or
fate or what our heart truly desires.
I love this book. It’s a refreshing read. And
most of all I love that Phoebe Strole narrated it. (Boy, do I ever listen to
Phoebe a lot. I love more than love her voice.) Please reconsider and listen
to this wonderful audiobook.
Get your audiobook here: Audible
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